Cowork Frederick’s art wall is located in their “Community Room”, a large room on the first floor. It has a gallery-style hanging system and gallery lighting. The wall is roughly 30 feet wide, so it can hold a lot of art. Think 8 large (36 inches wide), 12 medium (24 inches), or 30 small pieces (or a combination thereof). Even more if hung in columns. All art displayed under the Artist of the Month program must be hung on this wall. Additional pieces and promotional materials for sale can be placed on tables for the FAN event.
Artist: Jessica Hibbard Artists: Laura Pengelly & Elizabeth Pengelly Artist: Aynex Mercado Artist: Karen Peacock
The hanging system is from AS Hanging. The system consists of Click Rail Track that supports 20 lb/ft (30 Kg/m) (120 lb per six-foot rail), steel Twist-end Cables which support 45 lbs (20 Kg) each, and a variety of hooks. The great thing about this system is its flexibility. The wires can be moved to any position along the track and hooks can be positioned anywhere on the cable. Multiple hooks can be put on one cable and multiple cables can be used for a single picture.
Track with wire Adjustable hook on wire Various hook styles
Your art needs to have some way to hang on a hook. Usually that’s a wire or saw-tooth hanger attached to a frame, but past artists have been very creative in coming up with alternatives. Safety pins in the back of quilts were used to hang the quilts on hooks. For light-weight unframed prints on foam board, paper clips were opened up and taped to the back of the foam board. Any thing you’re OK with, we’re OK with. Remember: you hang at your own risk.
We will provide guidance on using the system, let you borrow our step stool and tape measure and, if you want it, suggestions on layout, but you the artist (or someone you bring to help you) must do the actual hanging.
Artist: Alison Burr Artist: Jonas Raider Artist: Katie Giganti
For the Frederick Artists Night event, in addition to the art you’ve hung on the art wall, you can put additional art other items you have for sale (calendars, post cards, unframed prints, magnets, etc.) on easels that you bring or one one more more of our tables. You can also project a slide show on our projector. You need to bring a computer with the slideshow on it. We have cables for connecting Mac and PC computers.
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