Brain Boost: Climate Change – Local Issues & Local Solutions

Speaker: Kai Hagen –
Concerned about the impacts of climate change on Frederick but unsure what to do about it? Join us for our November Brain Boost to learn about what we can do here in Frederick to mitigate the effects of climate change! Climate change is a global crisis. and our changing climate will affect everyone and everything, everywhere, which means everyone, everything and everywhere has to be part of the solution. We will start with a short talk from our speaker which will lead into an open discussion with the group.
Have an idea that you would love to see implemented in Frederick? Think more people should be aware of a certain climate related issue? This is your chance to discuss it with the group!




A FREE lunchtime collaborative learning experience designed to build expertise and ensure equitable access to a wealth of knowledge. Bring your lunch and learn.
November 17 – Noon to 1:00 PM
(doors will open at 11:30 so you can grab a snack and a drink and get settled in)
122 E Patrick St, Frederick, MD 21701 (Cowork Frederick “Community Room”)

Kai Hagen has been an environmental activist/organizer for 40 years. He has previously served as the Frederick County Commissioner and County Council Member, as well as the Director for Envision Frederick County. Now retired, Kai describes himself as a writer, naturalist, and photographer. He lives in the Catoctin Mountains with his wife, Kirsten, and is the proud father of two sons.

Brain Boost is a monthly brown bag event designed to build expertise, catapult the success of small businesses, and ensure equitable access to a wealth of knowledge. People from a variety of professions and walks of life share their experience and expertise in an educational talk. Then, with the help of a facilitator, participants engage in active conversation. The event aims to spark inclusive conversation and circulate the abundant knowledge of Frederick’s small biz community. Participants bring their own lunch (optionally). Drinks and light snacks are provided. The Cowork Frederick Foundation (a 501(c)(3) non-profit) covers the cost of running the program and the meeting space, with the help of sponsors. Speakers volunteer their time.

The Cowork Frederick Foundation is the community-supported, non-profit arm of Cowork Frederick. We help Frederick County freelancers, remote workers, and solopreneurs be more successful by creating ways for them to connect, learn, and build better businesses – and lives – together. In so doing, we support a vital part of a healthy, growing, fluid, free-market economy. Help support our efforts here.

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