Brain Boost: Doing Business in Frederick (and how the City can help)

Speaker: City of Frederick Department of Economic Development-
Do you have a small business in Frederick? This session is for you. We’ll start with a look at Frederick’s current business landscape: number of businesses (large and small), stats on business size, growth rate, openings, closures, etc. We’ll explain the City of Frederick’s role in supporting local businesses and share tips on getting help with funding, promotion, and more. We’ll end with a Q&A session and discuss your challenges and successes. 




A FREE lunchtime collaborative learning experience designed to build expertise and ensure equitable access to a wealth of knowledge. Bring your lunch and learn.
September 22 – Noon to 1:00 PM
(doors will open at 11:30 so you can grab a snack and a drink and get settled in)
122 E Patrick St, Frederick, MD 21701 (Cowork Frederick “Community Room”)

The City of Frederick’s Department of Economic Development is committed to making Frederick the best place to do business. From start-up to international expansion, the department is there to find answers, make connections, and create solutions.

Brain Boost is a monthly brown bag event designed to build expertise, catapult the success of small businesses, and ensure equitable access to a wealth of knowledge. People from a variety of professions and walks of life share their experience and expertise in an educational talk. Then, with the help of a facilitator, participants engage in active conversation. The event aims to spark inclusive conversation and circulate the abundant knowledge of Frederick’s small biz community. Participants bring their own lunch (optionally). Drinks and light snacks are provided. The Cowork Frederick Foundation (a 501(c)(3) non-profit) covers the cost of running the program and the meeting space, with the help of sponsors. Speakers volunteer their time.

Founded in 2019, the Cowork Frederick Foundation is the community-supported, non-profit arm of Cowork Frederick. We help Frederick County freelancers and entrepreneurs be more successful by creating ways for them to connect, learn, and build better businesses – and lives – together. Help support our efforts here.

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