Brain Boost: E%$#*^ (Emotions) at Work

Evidence shows that the emotional culture of an organization influences employee satisfaction, burnout, absenteeism, teamwork, and team performance. They play a huge role in our lives, at home as well as work. The Emotional Culture Deck provides a structured, safe way to discuss your emotions at work. It can also be used to help map the emotional culture you’d like to have as a team, department or organization. During the workshop, Colleen will walk through the importance of emotions at work, how the Emotional Culture Deck works and give everyone the opportunity to play a bit to help better understand how they want to feel at work.




A FREE lunchtime collaborative learning experience designed to build expertise and ensure equitable access to a wealth of knowledge. Bring your lunch and learn.
July 19 – Noon to 1:00 PM
(doors will open at 11:30 so you can grab a snack and a drink and get settled in)
122 E Patrick St, Frederick, MD 21701 (Cowork Frederick “Community Room”)

Colleen Wile is the Senior Director of Operations of the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development Data, a network of over 700 private sector, academic, and civil society organizations, and governments, with staff based across eight countries. She holds a BA from the University of Notre Dame and an MA from George Washington University and has 20 years of experience in the non-profit world. In her current role, she manages people and culture for the Global Partnership and has fallen hard for the Emotional Culture Deck and its many benefits. She is a Certified Practitioner for the Emotional Culture Game and is eager to share it with as many people as she can.

Brain Boost is a monthly brown bag event designed to build expertise, catapult the success of small businesses, and ensure equitable access to a wealth of knowledge. People from a variety of professions and walks of life share their experience and expertise in an educational talk. Then, with the help of a facilitator, participants engage in active conversation. The event aims to spark inclusive conversation and circulate the abundant knowledge of Frederick’s small biz community. Participants bring their own lunch (optionally). Drinks and light snacks are provided. The Cowork Frederick Foundation (a 501(c)(3) non-profit) covers the cost of running the program and the meeting space, with the help of sponsors. Speakers volunteer their time.

Founded in 2019, the Cowork Frederick Foundation is the community-supported, non-profit arm of Cowork Frederick. We help Frederick County freelancers, remote workers, and solopreneurs be more successful by creating ways for them to connect, learn, and build better businesses – and lives – together. In so doing, we support a vital part of a healthy, growing, fluid, free-market economy. Help support our efforts here.

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